LSTR Communications

(Greg) Lester's Science Technology & Research Communications*

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Writing Samples


In the past I’ve done some freelance work–with and without a byline–for institutional press and engineering trade publications. From 2010 to 2014, I was responsible for the content in The Wistar Institute’s Focus magazine, a publication for Wistar’s friends and donors, as well as their Annual Report.

I was blessed with exceptional designers, but I think the writing wasn’t too shabby either. I do not believe you can find them online directly, but here are some examples.

2010 Annual Report: [Expedition Wistar]

2013 Annual Report:[Changing the World]

Fall 2011 Special Construction Issue Wistar Focus: [Upward! A New Trajectory for The Wistar Institute]

Winter-Spring 2012 Wistar Focus: [Brave Enough to Say “Cure”]

Writing sample, various sources: [Samples]

Press Releases

Over the last two decades I’ve written more press releases than I can remember. In fact, I need to harness the power of search engines just to collect even a fraction of them.

You can find many of the releases I’ve written housed on the Eurekalert! servers, courtesy of AAAS. [link]

Click on the links below to find a sampling of releases from different times in my career.

The Wistar Institute Era

(2010-2014) [link]
Topics: Biomarkers, cancer, cellular biology, genetics, molecular biology, targeted therapeutics, and vaccines.

The Fox Chase Cancer Center Era

(2008-2010) [link]
Topics: Biostatistics, cancer, cancer prevention, cellular biology, epidemiology, genetics, medicine, molecular biology, and targeted therapeutics

The American Association for Cancer Research Era

(2007-2008) [link]
Topics: Cancer, cancer prevention, cellular biology, genetics, medicine, molecular biology, and targeted therapeutics

The University of Pennsylvania Era

(2003-2007) [link]
Topics: Astronomy, biology, engineering, geology, molecular biology, nanotechnology, paleontology, physics, psychology, and veterinary medicine.

The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Era

(2000-2003) [link]
Topics: Biology, cardiology, epidemiology, infectious disease, molecular biology, and neurology.

Proto Greg: The National Science Foundation Internship Era

(1998-1999) [link]
Topics: Biology, geophysics, engineering, and polar research.