Men’s Fitness has its annual list of Fittest and Fattest cities. Shockingly, Philly has dropped (or advanced, depending on how you look at it) in the rankings. In 2000 we were number one. 2009, number 20. That’s pretty good progress.

Of course, Philadelphia has a long way to go. Many of the fitter cities benefit from better climates and better urban design that allows for more outdoorsey activities. Philly has the Schuylkill river trails, but not much else for bikers and runners. And, as a fair-weather bike commuter, I can say that the suburbs are even worse and less accessible for cyclists. Places like Portland, OR, benefit from generally more moderate (albeit soggier) weather than Philly, but what is more important is their acceptance of bicycles.

Sure, they don’t have hoagies and cheesesteaks to contend with, but easy accessibility to exercise matters.

Still, what surprised  me was Pittsburgh’s ranking. Their weather is, in general, as bad as ours. We’re a little hotter and muggier in the summer, and they’re a little cooler in the winter.  Their food, if anything, is worse. We’re talking about people who add french fries to salads and sandwiches — not as sides, but actually part of the salad or sandwich — and that’s on top of the inch of cole slaw they usually stick on stuff.  While living in the burgh, my cholesterol tripled within days, thanks to the cheap availability of O Fries.

Even MORE surprising is that it is the only place in the Northeast listed.