Over at the National Center for Science Education, Daniel Phelps takes an exhaustive look at the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum, complete with evidence refuting evolution, ark construction, Adam and Eve diorama  and a section linking Darwin to the Columbine Massacre. Good show. [article link]

As you can expect, he doesn’t like the place much. Not only does it fail in presenting science, it generally fails as a museum:

The Anti-Museum was, obviously, not like most museums we had ever encountered. Even if one could ignore the egregious content it was interesting that the “museum” lacked several things one would expect to see in modern natural history museums. First, there was nothing in the museum that could be considered interactive. Most museums have hands on activities for kids and adults. Some are computerized and encourage the visitors to think for themselves about what they are seeing. The Anti-Museum, in contrast, leads the visitor on a definite path and if you disagree with it, well your status as a Christian is shaky at best. It is Ken Ham’s [founder of Answers in Genesis – Greg] way or the Highway to Hell.

Bummer.  It is is stupid, at least it could be entertaining. If you are ever in Kentucky and, out of morbid curiosity, feel the need to go to the Creation Museum, consider offsetting the harm your entrance fees will do by donating to NCSE.

Regarding Adam and Eve, Phelps notes the apparent controversy about Adam — their Adam, actor Eric Linden [Danger: stupid flash warning] owns the domain name BedroomAcrobat.com — and yanked a video of A&E from the display.  However, the folks over at that site deny that Linden is one of their “actors.” You can see a glimpse of his Adam performance here. Um, breathtaking.

More importantly, Phelps notes that Eve looks like Sarah Silverman. Awesome, like Jesus.

Read the whole thing (long).