Its like Christmas for Perverts!

My spider, let me show you it, to the left and above, in squishy banner form. Not a great picture, by any means, but it is all that I have at the moment.

That little feller was found hanging out on a lamppost in New Hope — one of my favorite Fall burgs — the other week. Fall is a good time for spider hunting in New Hope. I assume they are there to catch bugs coming off the river breeze. I assume it isn’t just an autumnal behavior, just that by the time Fall rolls around the shopkeepers have given up on cleaning off the old webs and have embraced the enwebbed look for the season.  They seem to be everywhere along the store fronts this time of year.

Halloween is great. Its the capper to the perfect season. Around here Fall is warm, frequently brisk and often sunny and blue. Halloween marks the point where the season decays into pre-winter.

I’ve never been a gore fan, but I’ve always dug monsters, ghost stories and candy. Lovecraftian space gods and zombies are my ideals of perfect monsters.  I got the zombie bug a few years back when I paneled on the living dead at a Philcon, but I never got around to writing the definitive zombie story. Needless to say it would have involved parallel arrays of Ditch Witch trenchers mounted on slow-moving Caterpiller 740 Ejector articulated dump trucks. No waiting behind barricades for the food to run low. Not me.